Jun.- Prof. Dr. Annette Daniela Haußmann
Assistant Professor for Pastoral Care and Counseling
Theologisches Seminar of Heidelberg University
Mailing address: Kisselgasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg
Visiting address: Karlstr. 16 (room 404), 69117 Heidelberg
Phone: 06221-543323
E-Mail: annette.haußmann@ts.uni-heidelberg.de

- Since August 2019: Assistant Professor of Practical Theology with a focus on the theory of pastoral care, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
- 2018: Doctoral degree (Dr. theol.) at Tübingen University | dissertation: Haußmann, Annette (2019). Ambivalenz und Dynamik. Eine empirische Studie zu Religion in der häuslichen Pflege. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
- 2016-2019: Research Assistant and Coordinator, DFG Research Group FOR 1765 „Protestantism in the Ethical Debates of the FRG 1945-1989” (“Der Protestantismus in den ethischen Debatten der BRD 1945-1089”), Chair of Practical Theology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- 2014-2016: Research Assistant, Chair of Practical Theology (Prof. Dr. Christian Albrecht), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- 2012-2015: Research Assistant, Chair of Practical Theology (Prof. Dr. Birgit Weyel), Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen | Research projects: (a) EKD (Protestant Church of Germany) pilot project “Innovative ways of pastoral care with people suffering from depressive disorders”; (b) Involvement in the KMU V (5th church membership survey of the Protestant Church of Germany), “project worship service census”, Reutlingen
- 2007-2011: Student assistant, Chair of Religious Education (Prof. Dr. Friedrich Schweitzer), Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen | Research project: “Interreligious and Intercultural Education in Day Care Centers”
- 2009-2011: Student assistant, Chair of Practical Theology (Prof. Dr. Birgit Weyel), Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen
- 2003-2012: Studies of Psychology (Dipl. Psych. – equivalent to a M. A. in psychology) and Protestant Theology (Dipl. Theol. – equivalent to a M. A. in theology), Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen and University of Edinburgh
- Since 2020: Licensed in Psychotherapy (focus: cognitive behavioral therapy)
- 2015-2020: Clinical training as a psychotherapist (CBT), TAVT Tübingen and vfkv München
Other Responsibilities
- Research Director, Center for Pastoral Care of the Protestant State Church in Baden (“Zentrum für Seelsorge der Evangelischen Kirche in Baden”)
- Director of the pastoral care training program for pastoral candidates, Protestant Church in Baden
- Co-editor, journal “Spiritual Care” (ISSN: 2365-8185; Print ISSN: 2193-3804)
- Board member, flagship initiative Transforming Cultural Heritage (FTCH), Heidelberg University
- Board of Trustees, International Academic Forum Heidelberg (IWH)
- 2018/19: Project manager, “Podienreihe Angst” (panel series on fear), Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag 2019, Dortmund
- 2016-19: Deputy Women’s Representative, Faculty of Theology, Munich University
- Since 2013: Commission member for the selection of scholarship holders, German Academic Scholarship Foundation (“Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”)
- 2012-2015: Advisory member, steering group “Inclusion in church parishes”, Diakonisches Werk Württemberg
- 2009-2017: Volunteer work, school projects, ejw Württemberg
Scholarships and Prizes
- 2019: Argula von Grumbach Award (with Jonathan Spanos), Protestant Church of Bavaria (ELKB)
- 2016-2017: DAAD Congress Travel Grant for IAPR in Hamar and APA Division 36 in New York
- 2012-2015: PhD scholarship, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
- 2012: PhD grant, Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg
- 2005-2011: Scholarship, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
- 2003-2010: Scholarship, Evangelisches Stift Tübingen